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Steelfixture.com > Products > Museum Cases > Vertebrate Cases
This series of cases is designed for the storage vertebrate and skin specimens. The standard case holds either wood or metal drawers.The VA, VB, VAC and VPL series feature powder coat painted aluminum lift-off doors.
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27-1/4" wide x 38" deep x 39-1/2" high.
Designed for smaller specimens, featuring wing knob cam latches and lift off doors, as well as the continuous air filled door gasket system. It comes with or without door locks. Holds wood or metal drawers.
27-1/4" wide x 43-3/4” deep x 42-9/16" high.
Features wing knob cam latches and lift off doors. Continuous air filled door gasket system. Available with or without door lock. Holds wood or metal drawers.
54-9/16" wide x 38" deep x 39-1/2" high.
A larger case for large specimens. The drawers are available in wood or metal and can hold up to 10. It features wing knob cam latches and a lift off door.
46-3/4" wide x 28" deep x 47-3/4" high.
This is a double wide case with center divider. Features wing knob cam latches and independent lift off doors. Has a continuous air filled door gasket system. Holds wood or metal drawers. This case is also used in the field of Paleontology.
28-15/16" wide x 37-15/16" deep x 40" high.
It has a hinged lift off door like the Geology GL case . It has a continuous air filled door gasket system and can hold wood or metal VA drawers.
3D Model